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10 Quality Traits of a Leader

Allied OneSource • February 18, 2022

If you aspire to be in a leadership role one day, it's important to begin thinking and behaving like a leader today. Though that may be easier said than done in some respects, there is something that you can do that isn't very hard at all: identify your current leadership qualities and figure out how you can develop more. At least having an idea of where you are and where you want to be will allow you to build a plan on how to achieve your end goal or result. 

Here are 10 qualities of a leader:

Active listening.

Active listening is a necessary quality to have as a leader. You should be able to listen to people, giving them great attention and sincerity. This will help a leader understand people, their perspectives, and the meaning behind their messages. Being an active listener is necessary for a leader to be able to receive feedback from team members and properly listen to their thoughts. This trait helps build trusting relationships and connections with people in all areas of the company. 


A leader will have to work with a variety of people and roles, so they should be able to collaborate easily. Having good collaboration skills is crucial to finding common goals and creating partnerships for successful and beneficial results and outcomes. 


It is important that a leader is courageous to ensure that they always do what is in the best interest of their team and the company. They should be able to follow through with their decisions, even if the decision is unpopular. Having great moral courage is important so that a leader can face criticism, defend their vision, and remain focused on their end goal. 


Having good communication skills creates a clear path for the team, project, meeting, etc. A leader should know how to convey their message and choose their words and expressions wisely to suit the situation at hand and allow others to express their thoughts and feelings. Being able to communicate well as a leader helps you be a more effective and personable leader for your team. 


A leader should be able to nurture their team by being perceptive and aware of other’s feelings and thinking about projects, decisions, morale, etc. They should be empathetic of other people and have a general understanding of their feelings. An empathetic leader understands the importance of praising those that are succeeding and encouraging those that are struggling.


Being adaptive is important for the inevitable changes and shifts that can happen in any field. As a leader, one should know how to adjust and maintain ownership or lead of their team, project, meeting, etc. as needed. A leader should be open to new ideas as long as the ideas are meant to move the team or company forward. 


A great leader should be able to understand that leadership is about working for the greater good. They lead to create change and growth, not dominate and overpower.


As a leader, one should understand and acknowledge that mistakes are bound to happen, but it is important to be patient with their team and offer guidance. A patient leader understands the importance of appreciating and recognizing the people on their team as well as creating mutual respect and understanding within the organization. 


Self-awareness is an important quality for a leader to have. This type of leader knows that it’s ok to not know everything because they have only obtained the skills and knowledge necessary for a certain role. A leader should be able to acknowledge when they should reach out to other subject matter experts for assistance.

Drive and interest for learning.
Leaders are more effective and inspirational when they stay up-to-date and knowledgeable of changing trends and the topics they lead. Having a drive to learn more helps a leader hone their crafts and contribute more to their team. This trait also inspires their team to continue learning and growing as well. 

Though there are many other qualities that make a great leader, these are a few good ones to start with and think about. Every leader has an urge to lead, inspire, and contribute to the greater good, and this is why someone looking to lead needs to possess and understand the qualities to guide them. In order to be a leader tomorrow, you have to start acting like one today. 

For more helpful advice on how to become a better leader within your career, connect with a recruiter at Allied OneSource today!

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